Sinus Infection Do’s and Don’ts

sinus-doctor-in-houstonIf you have a sinus infection, then it’s not just a matter of a few uncomfortable days anymore.  Here are five helpful do’s and don’ts that will help you make it through in one piece.

1) PH Balance 

Keeping your body balanced between an alkaline and acid state is always important but when you have a sinus infection, you should stay away from acidic foods.

DO: Eat alkaline foods like vegetables, fruits (apples, bananas), almonds and use sweeteners like stevia. Large amounts of water will also help.

DONT: You should avoid things like starches, carb heavy foods, anything fried, berries, salt and meat like bacon or beef,

2) Recovery 

When you have a sinus infection, your body is in a state of flux and is thrown off its usual normal functions. It’s important to focus on recovery so it can get back to normal.

DO: Get some sleep.  Your body regenerates during sleep and it will help your body combat the infection. Think of it as giving your immune system a full tank of gas.

DONT: Overexert yourself. If your work environment is physically demanding or you’re athletic, you may need to tone it down. Your system is already weak and shocking it won’t help.

3) Breathing

Good respiratory health is extremely important at all times but more so when you have sinusitis. Placing an emphasis on the state of your lungs can prevent the infection from recurring.

DO: Think about using a vaporizer at night. Congestion will go away a lot better if you thin out mucous while you’re sleeping.

DONT: Expose yourself to any irritating fumes or smells. This includes smoking, room sprays and even mold. 

4) Healing

For those of us with busy lives it may seem unnecessary but focusing on addressing symptoms will speed along your return to normalcy.

DO: Use decongestants, nasal sprays and other medicines recommended or prescribed by a doctor. They may be an extra step in your day but will definitely help.

DONT: Carry on with your routines and ignore the value of rest. Exposure to the weather, and stress will not only prolong your sinusitis but also plant the seed for it becoming a chronic condition.

5) Get Help

We’ve already touched on how busy life can be but trying to do this on your own is detrimental to your recovery.

DO: See an Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor. An ENT can not only help you deal with your sinuses but also uncover any undiscovered sinus problems causing problems.

DONT: Ignore what’s happening. Worse still is trying to fix it yourself. Sinus infections are serious and there’s nothing wrong with getting an expert to help. Especially if it’ll help prevent it in the future.

Choose the Expert in Nasal Allergy Treatment and Breathe Again

Dr. Nguyen is a national expert in the treatment of nasal allergies. Let us use the newest technology and our vast experience to customize a solution for your health needs. Houston Sinus and Allergy has over a decade of experience in treating nasal allergies. Our practice has won numerous awards, including being voted the Living Best of Reader’s Choice Award in 2015.

You can reach us by calling (832) 237-7777, or fill out the form at the top of the page to book an assessment to start feeling better!

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