Top 5 Deviated Septum Treatment Options

There are several deviated septum treatment options to alleviate discomfort and other painful symptoms associated with the disorder. A deviated septum is a physical disorder that affects the nose. It is characterized by the displacement or deformity of the nasal septum, a partition or wall of cartilage and bone that separates the two passageways of air in the nose. Although it is normal for the septum to deviate slightly (usually to the right), it may cause discomfort and aesthetic issues if the deviation is too severe. Should this happen, there are several treatment options that may be considered depending on the severity of the condition.

Nasal Sprays

One of the most common symptoms of a deviated septum is nasal congestion, which often causes breathing difficulties. To alleviate this symptom, the doctor may prescribe corticosteroid nasal sprays. These sprays help reduce nasal passage inflammation and ease drainage, thus making it easier to breathe.


Decongestants are the type of medications that help reduce swelling in the nasal tissues, thus keeping the nasal airways open. Decongestants are usually taken either in pill form or as a nasal spray. While effective, decongestant sprays can lead to dependency on the part of the patient. They can also cause symptoms to rebound, which means that the severity and frequency can worsen over time. Decongestants are also stimulants. With frequent use, decongestants can increase the risk of problems associated with hypertension and increased heart rate.


Antihistamines block a chemical called histamine which is released by the body upon exposure to an allergen. Histamines cause the swelling in the throat and nose that are associated with allergic reactions. Antihistamines block the release of these chemicals, thus preventing the symptoms from occurring. These medications are commonly taken to fight allergies and in mild conditions involving a deviated septum, antihistamines can be used to alleviate a runny nose, nasal blockage and obstruction.


Rhinoplasty is a type of surgery used to change the shape of the nose. In many cases, it is done as a supplemental procedure to another surgical procedure known as septoplasty. Although rhinoplasty is often considered by patients as a cosmetic procedure, it can be effective in treating the problem of a deviated septum because the surgery modifies the physical shape of the cartilage and bone of the nose.


A deviated septum can be corrected using a surgical procedure called a septoplasty. It is usually indicated for individuals who still experience pain, discomfort and other symptoms even after undergoing other treatments and therapies. The surgery involves straightening and repositioning the nasal septum to keep it midline in the nose. The surgeon often has to cut parts of the septum in the process in order to rebuild it in its proper position. It is also one of the most recommended deviated septum treatment options for people with significant abnormality that causes a blockage in the nasal passageway.

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