Preparing for Your Snoring Child’s First Sleepover


The unconditional love that you feel for your child includes the fact that your little one sounds like a chainsaw when he or she doses off to sleep. When your child is going to a sleepover at another family’s home, their snoring might not be received with the same patience and understanding that your kids enjoy while under your roof.

If your child suffers from snoring, it’s a good idea to make sure that she or he is properly prepared to stay over the night, including items that help reduce snoring as part of the checklist of what to pack for the evening. The last thing you want is for your kid to become uninvited from future sleepovers and social events because of loud snoring that keeps everyone awake all night long.

Getting Ready for the First Sleepover

The more comfortable that your child is before the sleepover, the less anxiety they will feel at the event, which makes it easier for them to sleep. Having a conversation with your kid before the sleepover can reveal any trepidation that he or she may have about the sleepover, allowing the both of you to talk the problem through together.

Creating similar sleep hygiene habits while away from home is another crucial part of preparing for your child’s first sleepover, allowing them to fall asleep with less worry, which may reduce the chance that they snore. Packing their favorite sheets or a fresh pillow that’s comfortable can help quite a bit with this matter.

For children who are chronic snoring machines, keeping the nasal passages open during the night may reduce the noise they create as they sleep. If snoring takes place in their nose, a nasal strip may help open the passageways. Rinsing their nose with a mild saltwater solution using a neti pot can also reduce the amount of mucus that clogs airways. Packing an extra water bottle helps keep them hydrated, which reduces the viscosity of the mucus that may get stuck in their passageways.

Child Snoring Due to Medical Problems

Just like adults, children can suffer from sleep apnea or a deviated septum that makes it nearly impossible for your child not to snore, even if you take all the appropriate steps to reduce the vibrations that cause noise to emanate from their nose and the back of their throat.

These conditions can cause your child sleeplessness, which results in a variety of developmental and psychological problems. If your child suffers from snoring due to medical issues, it may be a good idea to visit a doctor before sending them to their first sleepover.

Does Your Child Have a Snoring Problem?  Call the Sinus Doctor!

If your child has a snoring problem, you should seek professional help.

At Houston Sinus & Allergy, our ENT doctor specializes in treating snoring and sleep apnea conditions, as well as issues stemming from sinus infections.  Dr. Nguyen has helped countless children with snoring and sleep apea conditions and he can help your child, too.

If you live in the Houston area and you suffer from debilitating snoring or think you may have sleep apnea, we can help.  Contact us or fill out our assessment form at the right, and start sleeping better!

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