If you suffer from chronic sinusitis, balloon sinuplasty, or balloon sinus dilation, can provide immediate and long lasting relief. The procedure is a lot more straightforward than other procedures and the pros far outweigh the cons.
Balloon Sinuplasty: An Effective Treatment for Sinusitis
Chronically infected sinuses are something that can make the strongest of us desperate. Solutions include everything from nasal sprays to antibiotics and even surgery.
Balloon sinuplasty however is a much different approach. It’s ingenious actually. It adapts the thin wire from angioplasty that is inserted into clogged arteries and then expanded with a balloon inside a small catheter. The idea remains the same but this time it opens up your sinuses without any cutting.
It’s a simple, yet elegant concept that makes it easy to clean out a sinus (with a saline solution) that’s plagued by sinusitis. Now, if a balloon opening up an inflamed sinus sounds intense, well, it is. There are some side effects but are they worth it?
The side effects of balloon sinuplasty aren’t quite like those you’d see in a typical surgery. There’s less risk from error and anesthetic because it’s all really about the technique employed.
Some balloon sinuplasty risks include:
- Further inflammation in sinus (short term)
- Mucosal, tissue and small bone trauma
- Some bleeding from the expansion
- Chance of infection
The benefits on the other hand are significant. Balloon sinuplasty fortunately happens to be a very tried and tested technique. Over 330,000 people have tried it and its been approved by the FDA. 9 Months later, over 95% of patients report an improvement in sinus conditions.
Some of the pros include:
- Quick procedure – Can be done in less than 2 hours.
- Recovery time – Get back on your feet within 1 or 2 days!
- Convenient – Often done out of the ear, nose and throat doctor’s office. No hospitals.
- No meds – Balloon sinuplasty lets you get away from expensive medicines that are only temporary solutions at best
- Less invasive – No cutting!
- Pain – The post operative pain of balloon sinuplasty is a lot less than typical surgery
For those that don’t like the idea of having to remove tissue in your nose and sinuses to clear up the problem, balloon sinuplasty is an attractive alternative.
Is Balloon Sinuplasty Right for You?
Poor sinus drainage, which leads to infection and discomfort, is the source of persistent or recurring sinus pain. While balloon sinuplasty is an effective solution to sinusitis, you’ll need to qualify for the procedure. Take our “Chronic and Recurrent Sinusitis Quiz” to see if you qualify for this revolutionary treatment.
Get Relief from Chronic Sinusitis Today!
If you’re suffering from chronic sinusitis, Houston Sinus and Allergy is now offering balloon sinuplasty procedure which can provide long lasting relief.
Make an appointment with Dr. Nguyen today to determine if balloon sinuplasty is right for you, and get the relief you need.