To find out if you’re eligible for treatment for sinusitis, complete the short quiz below.


Choose “yes” if you have had any of the following symptoms for ten days or longer:

Facial pressure or pain Y/N
Headache pain Y/N
Congestion or stuffy nose Y/N
Thick, yellow-green nasal discharge Y/N
Low fever (99-100 degrees) Y/N
Bad breath Y/N
Pain in your upper teeth Y/N


Have you experienced these symptoms for 12 or more weeks? Y/N
In the past 12 months, have there been three or more times you experienced these symptoms for ten days or longer (with interim periods of no symptoms)? Y/N



If you answered “yes” to three or more of the symptom descriptions, and “yes” to either of the duration options, you may suffer from chronic or recurrent sinusitis.

Contact Houston Sinus & Allergy at (832) 237-7777 to learn about the appropriate treatment options for you.

CAUTION: Information on this site should not be used as a substitute for talking with your doctor. Always talk to your doctor about diagnosis and treatment information.

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