How Extreme Summer Heat Impacts Allergies

allergy doctor

When summer arrives there is a lot to celebrate: the warmer whether, seasonal events and activities, and long, relaxing days. However, there are also many unexpected, unpleasant side effects that come along with this warmer season. Here is how the summer heat impacts allergies.

Heat Promotes the Growth & Spread of Pollen

While pollen can affect allergies at any time of the year, those with allergies to pollen and ragweed see a drastic increase in their symptoms around this time of the year. In extreme heat pollen production increases, and with summer winds it gets spread around more easily.

So if you’ve ever parked your car around trees in the summer and come back to it with a fine layer of yellow dust all over it you know exactly how abundant pollen is in the summer time. On top of this, the spread of pollen is further exacerbated with tree and bush pruning, along with lawn mowing and weed whacking, which essentially spreads pollen beyond where it would normally spread.

Dr. Clifford Bassett, a clinical assistant professor at NYU Langone Medical Center said that, “There’s a global expansion of pollen. There’s more of it and it’s more powerful,” so it is important to consult with an allergy and sinus doctor to avoid the negative effects of allergies related to pollen.

Increased Production of Outdoor Mold

Mold spores can trigger an allergic reaction in certain individuals, and on humid days certain types of mold spores increase, which also increases the proneness of an allergic reaction occurring.

With summer rainstorms, damp conditions, or just hanging out by the water during the summer, the summer environment in warm areas is a hotbed of mold production and all of the negative symptoms that come along with it for those who are allergic to the various kinds of allergen inducing molds.

Conditions Are Favorable for Insect Reproduction

In warmer temperatures the conditions are favorable for the increased reproduction in insects like mosquitos and bees, which are common agitators of allergies. While those allergic to mosquito bites may end up with extremely severe itching and blisters, those allergic to stinging insects are prone to anaphylaxis – the same kind of severe, deadly reaction as seen in those with allergies to peanuts.

According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI), “More than half a million people go to emergency rooms and at least 50 die each year from insect stings.” While there is nothing you can do to stop these insects from existing, you can speak to a licensed allergy specialist to learn several ways to prevent a reaction in the future.

Need Relief from Allergies to Enjoy the Warm Summer Weather?

People who suffer from allergies are familiar with the burden of symptoms, and how life can be challenging when dealing with allergies.  Whether it’s seasonal or throughout the year, allergies aggravate one in four Americans, causing mild to overwhelming discomfort.  For over 10 years, Houston Sinus & Allergy has been providing effective relief to Houston residents and we can help you, too.

Learn more about our allergy treatments, including our allergy testing, and start enjoying the warm summer weather again!

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