Exam Marks Reduced By 10% For Sleepless Students

allergy treatment

Exam times are one of the most stressful periods of time for any student, regardless of if they’re in high school or college.

But allergies have been proven to reduce marks by up to 10%, especially for those who don’t make the effort in combatting the symptoms before allergy season hits.

Allergies Cause a Reduction in Grades

If you’ve ever suffered from the negative effects of allergies, you don’t need a research study to know the disruptions that this condition manifests. Nonetheless, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology performed a three-year study that tracked the results of students going into exams. Matching the levels of pollen present in the atmosphere with the results of public exams, the researchers found that the dip in results were extremely noticeable.

Simon Sobstad Bensnes, author of the report, asserted that “holding high-stakes exams during pollen season has a large negative effect on allergic students who are subsequently unfairly barred from enrolling in the most prestigious universities.” He also recommends that universities should adjust exam schedules to reduce the impact of this effect.

At the very least, there was an average dip of 3% among students, with a drop of as much as 10% recorded for those who deal with hay fever. In fact, the effect is so bad that researchers suggest that those who deal with allergies are much less likely to enroll in STEM disciplines, which can severely limit educational options.

Reducing the Effects of Allergies

While some schools do offer a small boost in grades for those suffering from allergies, the best way to reduce the effects is to acknowledge allergies and launch a pre-emptive strike against the condition.

Before allergy season arrives, start to take your antihistamines a couple of weeks beforehand to establish the effectiveness of this medication prior to when the pollen hits the fan. Probiotics may also provide your system with a boost, especially considering that the majority of your immune system is located in the digestive tract.

If these simple solutions don’t appear to offer a hand, visiting a clinic that specializes in this problem, such as Houston Sinus & Allergy, can make a huge difference. In addition to diagnosing the exact nature of your allergy, this clinic also suggests the best way to combat allergies, especially when they’re so severe that they affect the quality of your life or the exam scores of your child.

Need Relief from Allergies to Sleep at Night?

If you want to be among the 50% of allergy sufferers who aren’t kept awake at night by their allergy symptoms, your first move should be to call an experienced ENT. For over 10 years, Dr. Nguyen has specialized in nasal, allergy and sleep conditions, and has helped hundreds of people get the relief they need, and the restful sleep they crave.

Book an assessment with Dr. Nguyen at Houston Sinus & Allergy, and start breathing easier.



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