5 Common Causes of Post-Nasal Drip

If you are suffering from post-nasal drip, then it is important to understand the common causes.

Cold and Flu

When you have a cold or the flu, this can cause post nasal drip. This is often the result of the stuffy nose. A sinus infection may also cause this. Normally, sinuses are filled with air, but when sinuses become blocked and filled with fluid, germs (bacteria, viruses, and fungi) can grow and cause an infection.

Weather Changes

When the weather changes (spring or summer), post-nasal drip in may set in. This could be because many people start getting more colds around this time or simply because of the change in the air. Dryness in the air can also lead to these symptoms.


Having this condition is common with allergies, as this will usually present with a runny nose. If this is the cause of the issue, then allergy medication should help with the problem.


Certain fumes from chemicals can cause post-nasal drip. This could be from perfume, cleaning products or other irritants that you may encounter throughout your day. The best way to handle this is by removing the fume that is irritating you.

Hormonal changes

Hormonal changes such as as during menopause, menstruation or pregnancy can also cause post nasal drip.

Symptoms of Post Nasal Drip

1. Sore throat
2. Coughing
3. Constant clearing of throat/ Mucus feeling in the back of the throat
4. Difficulty swallowing
5. Congestion in the nasal passages

Diagnosing Post-Nasal Drip

Rather than just assuming you know what is causing the problem, visit a doctor who can properly diagnose and treat the problem.

Do not wait too long to handle your post-nasal drip. This can cause other issues such as bronchitis or pneumonia if not treated properly. As such, it is prudent to to see an ENT doctor right away to find out what is causing the post-nasal drip.

Do You Suffer From Post-Nasal Drip in the Houston Area?

If you live in the Houston area and you suffer from post nasal drip, we can help treat post-nasal drip. Dr. CT Nguyen, MD has 10+ years experience as a leading ENT expert and has helped hundreds of people get relief from their post nasal drip conditions.

One Comment

  1. IŞIL

    I have been using Letrazole for 4 months due to breast cancer. It reduces estrogen. 3 weeks ago, post-nasal drip started. Never had a problem like this before. Does a lack of estrogen cause post-nasal drip?

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