Learning how to detect early signs of a sinus infection can prevent a medical emergency. Knowing if you are developing an infection in your sinus can be tricky. This is because the symptoms are similar to those of flu. Fortunately, Sinusitis comes with additional, unique telltale signs to let you know it is time to pay your doctor a visit.
What is a Sinus Infection?
Sinus infection, or Sinusitis, can be caused by a variety of things. In most instances, it occurs when bacteria, fungi or viral bodies enter your sinus cavities and cause a blockage. As a result, the lining of your cavity might swell up and prevent mucus from draining out of your sinuses. Allergies, colds, flu, irritants and air that is not humid enough can produce the same effects on your nasal cavities.
Sinus Infections Symptoms
Your sinus cavity is located in your forehead, between the eyes, behind your cheeks and the ethmoids. Symptoms that you experience are likely to affect these areas. As mentioned earlier, symptoms can signal the presence of other diseases. Make sure you consult your doctor for a professional diagnosis. Symptoms of a sinus infection include:
- Recurring or persistent headaches: because some of the sinus cavity is located in the forehead, headaches can be a sign of infection. This is especially the case if headaches get worse when you lean forward
- Stuffy sinus cavity: If your nasal passage and cavity feel stuffy, it is possible you are infected.
- Pressure on the cavity: pressure usually goes hand in hand with stuffiness. Some patients may also experience pain.
- Sore throat: if you have a scratchy, sore throat that refuses to go away with over-the-counter medication, visit your physician for further tests. A sore throat might be accompanied by a cough.
- Unusual mucous: sinus infections tend to cause mucous discoloration. Because infections also interrupt normal mucous drainage, you might find it difficult to blow out mucous and in some cases, it simply cannot be drained.
- Facial redness or tenderness: inflamed nasal tissue can cause changes in the face. Redness and tenderness, however, are not necessarily signs of inflammation.
Treatment for Sinus Infections
Infections are normally treated with pain medication, decongestants and Tylenol for fever. Some of these medications can be prescribed or bought from your local drug store over the counter. Infections caused by bacteria need to be countered with antibiotics.
If it caused by irritants like smoke, tissue, pollen and powdery substances, you can try a nasal spray. Irrigating your nasal passages is also effective. In all cases, consult a physician for professional opinion. Sinus infections are uncomfortable but they are also very easy to detect. Avoid self-diagnosing and make it a point to speak to your doctor. Being able to detect sinus infection symptoms can help you get the help you need early before the condition takes a turn for the worst.
Do You Suffer From Sinus Infections in the Houston Area?
If you live in the Houston area and you suffer from debilitating snoring or think you may have sleep apnea, we can help. Contact us or fill out our assessment form at the right, and start sleeping better!