Nasal Fracture Repair in Houston: An Effective Treatment for a Broken Nose

If you have suffered from a nasal fracture, immediate action is often the best solution. Nasal fractures represent the third most commonly broken bone in the body and is the most commonly broken facial bone. Nasal fractures may occur as a result of a car accident, a fall, an athletic injury or many other situations.

Dr. Nguyen is certified by the American Board of Otolaryngology and the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada. His 10+ years of comprehensive practice in the area of Ear, Nose and Throat procedures and practices has made him an authority as well as someone you can trust to correct your nasal fracture.

Benefits of Nasal Fracture Repair

Nasal fractures can affect both bone and cartilage. A collection of blood, also known as “septal hematoma”, can sometimes form on the nasal septum. Due to the varying nature of nasal fractures, a multitude of options are available to the patient. However, the true road to recovery ultimately lies within the hands of your doctor and this is why making the right choice is so critical.

Having your fracture repaired significantly improves the chances of the fractured bone healing properly as opposed to being crooked or abnormal. Dr. Nguyen only applies the most advanced and effective methods when treating his patients. His track record of satisfied patients speaks volumes, not to mention his credentials.

Do I Need Nasal Fracture Surgery?

You may need to see a nose surgeon if you have any of these indicators of a broken nose:

  • A crooked nose
  • Tenderness and pain close to your nose
  • Sinus infections
  • Severe breathing problems
  • Swelling on the face
  • Bleeding from the nose
  • Bruising or black eyes

Nasal fractures can affect different parts of your nose at the same time, including the bridge, septum and tip cartilage. Nose repair is a detailed and complicated surgical procedure that requires the expertise of a surgeon like Dr. Nguyen, who specializes in performing reconstructive nasal surgical procedures.

Our Nasal Fracture Repair Process

When you visit Dr. Nguyen, he will carry out a thorough examination to determine the nature of your fracture. He will also take a close look at your medical history and record of any past surgeries. Dr. Nguyen will discuss your recovery goals and any other needs before recommending a treatment plan.

Nasal fracture repair can be conducted with local anesthesia as an outpatient procedure. If only the septum is fractured, the surgery will be a closed procedure with an internal incision. For more severe fractures, more involved surgical operations may be needed, including cartilage grafting.

If the cartilage tip gets fractured, the doctor may perform a tip plasty to reshape the nose tip. When medical treatment is delayed, open repair surgery may be necessary. This procedure may require breaking the bones of the nose and resetting them to the desired shape.

Risks of Leaving a Nasal Fracture Untreated

Despite the frequency of nasal fracture, the condition often goes untreated. As a consequence, significant long-term functional and cosmetic problems may result such as:

  • Obstructed airways
  • Deviated septum
  • Abnormal healing
  • Heightened risk of repeat breakage

See your doctor right away if you believe you have a nasal fracture. Immediate action can help prevent more severe medical complications. If the bones of your nasal region have moved out of their normal alignment, Dr. Nguyen can repair the fracture. An early consultation is essential for the nose to be restored successfully to its original shape and function.

Dr. Nguyen is trained in the latest advancements in nose, ear and throat traumas, diseases and disorders. His work in the area of nasal fractures is extensive and many treatments can be done in the office allowing patients to feel better sooner.

What To Expect With Nasal Fracture Repair

Firstly, it is important that your doctor diagnose the type and extent of the injury before applying any treatment as nasal fractures can take on varied forms. One example of a result of a nasal fracture is a septal hematoma.

Septal Hematoma

Septal hematomas are collections of blood in the subperichondrial space. This places pressure on the underlying cartilage, resulting in irreversible necrosis of the septum.

Septal hematomas must be drained immediately upon their being found. A scalpel incision must be made to allow drainage. A small Penrose-type drain is placed to prevent reaccumulation. Finally, nasal packing is placed.

Recovering From Nasal Fracture Repair

It’s important to know that you may feel some discomfort or swelling after the surgical procedure. You can take over-the-counter pain medications to reduce the discomfort. Within a few weeks, the pain and swelling will subside. For about two weeks, avoid any exacting physical activity or exercise, and elevate your head slightly on a pillow.

If you experience some stuffiness in your nose after surgery, avoid blowing your nose. This action could hinder the healing process or cause infection. Avoid wearing eyeglasses for at least three weeks after a nasal fracture repair.

Where Can Houston, Cypress and Jersey Village Residents Get Relief?

Make an appointment with Dr. Nguyen today to determine what nasal fracture repair is right for you, and get the relief you need. So book an assessment, or call our Houston clinic, and treat your broken nose today!

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